The Daredevil Drug Runner. Production Journal Extract
I discovered the Production Journal written by Tim Riding, one of the producers at Raw TV,London. It is very interesting reading and provides an insight into the hectic day to day lives of movie makers. This journal can be seen on the National Geographic web page of ‘Locked up Abroad’ the episode titled: The Daredevil Drug Runner.
Sir John Sawers is ‘C’, the Chief of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service. ‘C’ is the sobriquet (nickname) for Chief. His post is currently the most important in our history because of the situation regarding the development of foreign nuclear weapons and the growing threat of international terrorism, especially the Islamic threat.
Kenny Noye, Public Enemy No 1
I arrived on wing 9 (the international wing) after being processed through ingreso, the reception wing of Spain’s top security prison. I was carrying my bag of personal belongings and a mattress, sheets and blankets.
During the years I spent behind bars in foreign prisons I met many child sex killers. They were all without remorse except for their own self-pity. Some, not all are mentioned in my books.
My First Book Signing Event
The sun shone brightly as the cowboy cast his long shadow through the doorway of the book store. The shadow broadened as the sun was blocked by his enormous pardner. The Clint Eastwood style hats shaded the hard faces of the big men who strode meaningfully toward me.